
Protecting Our Democracy

  • Free & Fair Elections

    Voting shouldn’t be difficult. I support automatic voter registration and universal mail-in ballots so everyone can have a voice in our democracy.

  • Fair Maps

    Voters should choose their representatives — not the other way around. We need an independent redistricting commission.

  • Ranked Choice, Top 4 Primaries

    Winning an election should require support from a true majority of voters — not just support from a handful of voters in partisan primaries.

Public Education

  • Public Education

    Over the past decade, the Republican-led General Assembly has funneled resources into the hands of rich corporations at the expense of our public school systems. We can do things differently over the next decade.

  • Higher Education

    Expanding access to higher education is one of our best tools for building a more equitable society. And it isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s also one of the best investments we can make into our economy.

  • Educational Independence

    Amid ongoing efforts to ban certain books and censor certain teachings about our history, we need to reinforce educational independence. We can only learn from our history if we’re honest about it.


  • Expand Medicaid

    We know people are healthier when they have better access to healthcare, and we have the opportunity to pay just ten cents on the dollar to expand coverage to folks all across our state.

  • Reproductive Healthcare

    Safe, legal access to abortion has played an invaluable role in accelerating women’s rights. We’re going to build on the progress in North Carolina, not roll it back.

  • Mental Health

    In our system, we recognize you need help if you break you arm. But if you have an issue with your mental health, you may not get the help you need. That must change. Mental health is a crucial component of overall health.

Economic Justice

  • Raise Wages

    No one working a full-time job should live near poverty. Raise the minimum wage and index it to cost of living.

  • Eradicate Poverty

    Nobody deserves to go without the basic resources they need to survive. Let’s make poverty history in NC.

  • Affordable Housing

    Shelter is a basic human need. Everyone should have access to housing they can afford.

Social Justice

  • Racial Equity

    Racial inequality is a significant, pervasive force, fundamentally interwoven with our society. But it can be unraveled. We can learn from our history and pursue restitution.

  • Gender Equity

    At our current pace, it will take over 200 years to reach gender equality in the US. That’s unacceptable. We’re going to accelerate that timeline in North Carolina.

  • LGBTQIA+ Equity

    NC is classified as a “High Priority” state to achieve basic equality by the HRC. No one’s opportunities should be limited by who they are or who they love. Let’s make that clear in state law.

Climate & Environmental Justice

  • Clean Air and Water

    Air and water aren’t dumping grounds for waste — they’re life-giving resources that belong to all of us. We only have one planet, and we have to protect it.

  • Climate Risks

    Our climate is changing, and the risks are real. But it isn’t too late to build a brighter future, and there isn’t a better time to get started than now.

  • Environmental Justice

    No group should share disproportionately in the consequences of climate change, and no group should disproportionately benefit from our investments to mitigate it.

Criminal Justice Reform

  • Legalize Marijuana

    Growing, processing, transporting, possessing, ingesting, smoking, or otherwise consuming – if it’s for personal use, it should be legal.

  • Police Reform

    We must invest in other agencies that can better respond to calls about mental health, addiction, homelessness, and other crises.

  • Substance Abuse

    We can’t help people crippled by addiction with guns, handcuffs, and jail cells. Let’s end the War On Drugs in North Carolina.

Gun Violence Prevention

  • Universal Background Checks

    Background checks should be required for every firearm purchase regardless of the circumstances. Every gun. Every sale. Everywhere.

  • Ban Assault Weapons

    Assault weapons and high-capacity magazines make shootings deadlier. We can make our communities safer by joining 9 other states in banning them.

  • Extreme Risk Protection Orders

    ERPOs allow families and law enforcement to prevent tragedies by limiting access to firearms for individuals at high risk for dangerous behavior.

General Assembly Reform

  • Full-Time Legislature

    In NC, we don’t face part-time challenges, so we shouldn’t have part-time representatives addressing them. States with GDPs over half a trillion dollars should have full-time legislators.

  • Equitable Access

    Everyone should be able to afford holding public office — wealth shouldn’t be a prerequisite. I support indexing salaries for General Assembly members to the average salary of all workers in NC.

  • Independent Redistricting

    The power to draw congressional and legislative districts shouldn’t lie in the hands of incumbent politicians. Voters should choose their representatives, not the other way around.