‘After wasting decades on the War On Drugs, it’s time to instead wage war on poverty inequality.’

‘After wasting decades waging War On Drugs and being Tough On Crime, it’s time to instead wage war on poverty and be tough on inequality.’

  • Legalize Marijuana

    Growing, processing, transporting, possessing, ingesting, smoking, or otherwise consuming – if it’s for personal use, it should be legal.

  • Police Reform

    Police in the US kill more people per capita than Canada, Germany, and the UK combined. That’s not just a few bad apples — that’s a poorly designed system.

  • Substance Abuse & Addiction

    We can’t help people crippled by addiction with guns, handcuffs, and jail cells. Let’s end the War On Drugs.

In my lifetime, few laws, if any, have contributed more to mass criminalization than marijuana prohibition.

After decades of aggressive policing and incarceration, it hasn’t just been a wasteful failure – it’s been a racist hindrance for Black Americans across the country.

Enough is enough. It’s time to legalize it. All of it.

If you call 911, you’re getting 1 of 3 options. If something’s on fire, we’re sending firefighters. If someone’s injured, we’re sending an ambulance. Otherwise, you’re getting guys with guns.

We must change the way we police our communities and invest in other agencies that can better respond to calls about mental health, addiction, homelessness, and other crises.

It isn’t normal for people with guns to break into homes in the middle of the night.

That doesn’t protect and serve anyone.

We shouldn’t wait for the next tragedy to take action. We should end No-Knock warrants now.

Addiction is a destructive and deadly disease that families all across North Carolina know isn’t easy to overcome.

The War On Drugs has been a racist, wasteful failure. Substance abuse is a public health issue, and it’s time we start treating it like one.

‘Together, we’re going to build a safer, more inclusive North Carolina for everyone.’