‘Politicians have delivered for rich corporations for decades. It’s time to invest in North Carolina and deliver for everyday people.’

‘Politicians have delivered for rich corporations for decades. It’s time to invest in North Carolina and deliver for everyday people.’

  • Raise Wages

    No one working a full-time job should live near poverty. Raise the minimum wage and index it to cost of living.

  • Eradicate Poverty

    Nobody deserves to go without the basic resources they need to survive. Let’s make poverty history in NC.

  • Affordable Housing

    Shelter is a basic human need. Everyone should have access to housing they can afford.

How is it that every time a rich corporation wants to come to North Carolina, we’re always able to line their pockets with millions of dollars, but when it comes to investing in schools, affordable housing, and green energy, there’s never enough money to go around?.

We can afford to invest in our people. We just have to choose to do it.

You can work a full time minimum wage job – 8 hours a day, every day, no weeks off, never missing a shift – and still live in poverty in North Carolina. That’s unconscionable.

I support raising the minimum wage and indexing it to cost of living.

When rent, childcare, and groceries get more expensive, workers shouldn’t suffer for it.

Poverty is a policy choice.

It is not inevitable that some people will live in poverty. We can provide everyone with the basic resources they need to survive.

No one deserves to go without food, water, or shelter in our society.

Shelter is a basic human need — not just a commodity. Everyone should have access to housing they can afford.

This isn’t complicated. If we invest in affordable housing, we can end homelessness. If we don’t build homes people can afford, more people are going to be homeless.

It is a policy choice.

‘Together, we can raise wages, end poverty, and invest in our people.’