‘In North Carolina, we don’t have part-time challenges, so we shouldn’t have part-time representatives working to address them.’

‘In North Carolina, we don’t have part-time challenges, so we shouldn’t have part-time representatives working to address them.’

  • Full-Time Legislature

    It is well past time to adopt a full-time legislature. States with GDPs over half a trillion dollars should have full-time legislators.

  • Equitable Access

    Everyone should be able to afford holding public office — wealth shouldn’t be a prerequisite. I support indexing salaries for General Assembly members to the average salary of all workers in NC.

  • Independent Redistricting

    The power to draw congressional and legislative districts shouldn’t lie in the hands of incumbent politicians. Voters should choose their representatives, not the other way around.

Everyone should be able to afford public service — wealth shouldn’t be a prerequisite.

I support indexing salaries for General Assembly members to the average salary of all workers in NC so that anyone can afford to run for office, not just folks with law firms.

Our state’s GDP is over half a trillion dollars. We need a full-time legislature working to deliver for North Carolina.

‘Together, we’ll elect legislators that reflect our communities.’