‘Our democracy is at its best when everyone has a voice in shaping our future.’

‘Our democracy is at its best when everyone has a voice in shaping our future.’

  • Free & Fair Elections

    Voting shouldn’t be difficult. I support automatic voter registration and universal mail-in ballots so everyone can have a voice in our democracy.

  • Fair Maps

    Voters should choose their representatives — not the other way around. We need an independent redistricting commission.

  • Ranked Choice, Top 4

    Winning an election should require support from a true majority of voters — not just support from a handful of voters in partisan primaries.

Voting is a foundational right in our democracy.

We should declare all election days state holidays, adopt automatic voter registration, and provide universal mail-in ballots.

Voting should be easy, and everyone should have an equal voice.

Our partisan, winner-take-all primary system has locked us in a race to the extremes.

Adopting Ranked Choice, Top-Four primaries, will ensure our elections are competitive regardless of district lines.

It’s simple — in every election, the candidate most people support should win.

‘Together, we’re going to shape a future where government works for all of us.’