‘We’re going to build a North Carolina where everyone has access to high quality, affordable healthcare.’

‘We’re going to build a North Carolina where everyone has access to high quality, affordable healthcare.’

  • Expand Medicaid

    We know people are healthier when they have better access to healthcare, and we have the opportunity to pay just ten cents on the dollar to expand coverage to folks all across our state.

  • Reproductive Healthcare

    Safe, legal access to abortion has played an invaluable role in accelerating women’s rights. We’re going to build on that progress in North Carolina, not roll it back.

  • Mental Health

    In our system, we recognize you need help if you break you arm. But if you have an issue with your mental health, you may not get the help you need. That must change.

Healthcare isn’t a privilege for the wealthy — it is a basic human right. We have the opportunity to pay just ten cents on the dollar to expand coverage to folks all across North Carolina by expanding Medicaid.

38 states and counting have already taken this step. We’re leaving billions of federal dollars on the table by refusing this expansion, and North Carolinians are suffering for it.

Abortion access has been a constitutional right in the US for nearly 50 years. Yet for some reason, there are still ongoing efforts to restrict this right.

This isn’t complicated. Reproductive healthcare is healthcare, and healthcare is a human right.

When we value women and invest in their well being, our entire society is better for it.

Addiction is a destructive and deadly disease that families all across North Carolina know isn’t easy to overcome.

The War On Drugs has been a racist, wasteful failure. Substance abuse is a public health issue, and it’s time we start treating it like one.

‘Together, we’re going to expand healthcare access to all North Carolinians.’