‘We can’t reverse global warming in our lifetime, but we can leave the next generation with a planet that’s healing and the tools they need to continue making progress.’

‘We can’t reverse global warming in our lifetime, but we can leave the next generation with a planet that’s healing and the tools they need to continue making progress.’

  • Clean Air & Water

    Air and water aren’t dumping grounds for waste — they’re life-giving resources that belong to all of us. We only have one planet, and we have to protect it.

  • Climate Risks

    Our climate is changing. We can already see the effects of our warming planet, and things will get worse in our lifetime. We must act now.

  • Environmental Justice

    No group should share disproportionately in the consequences of climate change, and no group should disproportionately benefit from our investments to mitigate it.

Climate change is an existential threat to life as we know it. We must act now.

North Carolina can lead the nation in the fight to save our planet — but how we move forward is a matter of environmental justice.

No group should share disproportionately in the consequences of climate change, and no group should disproportionately benefit from our investments to mitigate it.

‘It isn’t too late to build a brighter future for our planet, and there isn’t a better time to get started than now, here in North Carolina.’